ECSC Spotlight: Interview with Toni LaTronica

How did you hear about ECSC?

A former colleague’s (Phyllis Lucas) post on Facebook.

What made you join ECSC?

Prior to my retirement, I spent the past 18 years working on a variety of initiatives working on solutions to the many challenges the childcare industry and early care and education programs face. Staffing in early childhood programs has historically been challenged by the inability to hire and retain qualified staff. Staffing shortages are at an all-time high.

The ECSC is a creative, innovative and well thought out initiative that has the potential to deliver a lifeline to programs struggling to keep their doors open.

Can you describe the work you did before joining ECSC? 

My undergraduate coursework was focused on a career in social work. After completing student internships in the field, it became clear to me that early childhood experiences had profound effects on the families and adults I was working with. It seemed that prevention would be more in line with my skill set and my “hippie” vision of peace and harmony. I had volunteered at a migrant Head Start program the previous summer and loved the work.

After graduation, my neighbor, who was working in a church-based childcare, encouraged me to apply for a position in the preschool. I was hooked. 

I went back to school to eventually complete a master’s degree in Early Childhood Program Administration and worked in the field for 50+ years. Thanks to ECSC I can still be involved. 

Can you describe your onboarding/training/education experience?

I considered becoming a classroom volunteer and/or sub as working with toddlers is my passion. However, my mobility is such that sitting on the floor or in small chairs and lifting the little ones would be impractical (much as I hate to admit to myself it would be impossible!) 

My other passion has been working in program administration particularly in staff development and family partnerships. Being a center director has always been an extremely challenging profession but more so now as the field struggles to recover from the pandemic. The on-boarding for VBAs was streamlined and provided an effective overview of the complex early childhood landscape. It provided an opportunity to be exposed to a diverse group of professionals from a variety of non-education fields. New eyes offering possible strategies at a critical time.

Can you tell us about your experience serving, where you are currently serving, and what you do when you are there?

Ironically, I am working in a church-based program (similar to my first experience in the ECE field). I began in August, usually visit for two hours once a week. We have worked on the evacuation plan, currently working on an expansion grant and moving forward I will be supporting the program as they work on a Colorado Shines Level Three. I also spend time in the classrooms, answering questions teachers have as they become familiar with the Level 3 requirements. I feel honored to be working in a program that is so committed to delivering high quality care and education to the families and children they serve.

What have you learned about yourself during this process, joining ECSC and now working at your site?

Upon reflection I realize some of my thinking is not relevant but that I still have insights to offer and much to learn. I have also become a better listener.

What is your favorite part about ECSC?

Being exposed to new perspectives. Working side by side with young people challenges my thinking as well as provides insight into the challenges they have faced and continue to face as they navigate being an early childhood educator.

Why do you think intergenerational efforts like ours are important?

I think the belief statement of ECSC says it all. That a service corps of trained, older adults can improve the lives of young children and families, by providing a solution to the workforce crisis in early childhood; while simultaneously enhancing and improving the mental, physical, and financial health of the older adults in the corps. 

What would you say to anyone who is thinking about joining this program?

I would highly recommend participating. This is a well-thought out initiative. Exceptionally well run and training provided is comprehensive. Participation provides the opportunity to do meaningful work, share your experiences and knowledge, challenge your thinking, keep you young and allows you to touch the future.


If you or someone you know is a post-career, 50+ adult who is interested in positively impacting the early childhood field all while receiving free training and support from a passionate, supportive community, join our Cohort V waitlist here:


The Transformative Role of Older Adults in ECE Classrooms


How Volunteering Impacts Well-Being of 50+ Adults & Communities