ECSC is a program under the non-profit organization Montessori Intergenerational Learning Communities.
Our Mission is to integrate older adults into the field of Early Childhood; fostering a future where all children have access to high-quality educational experiences, and contributing to the health and wellbeing of older adults in our communities.
ECSC provides training and support for older adults to successfully serve or work in the field of early childhood. -
Classroom Volunteer: Assist with small group work, reading, crafts, and other activities to support early childhood centers.
Encore Staff: Train to become a qualified early childhood substitute teacher through our free, virtual program. This role is a paid position.
Volunteer Business Advisor: Use business expertise to help early childhood centers achieve their business goals.
Anyone 55 years of age or older is eligible.
Staff members of our ECSC Partner Sites are also eligible to participate in ECSC Coursework.
All training will be conducted through online modules (Zoom).
There will be more information given at Site and Member Information Sessions. If you need assistance accessing Zoom, please contact ECSC. -
Folks interested in our program can sign up with the following links:
Site Interest Form
Member Interest Form
Between cohort recruitments, folks interested as serving as members can join our Cohort Waitlist. -
To receive services for your site from ECSC, you must become an ECSC Partner Site.
Steps will be sent to you after ECSC receives your Site Interest FormComplete an ECSC Site Application (will be sent to you only after Interest Form is submitted)
An invitation to come to an ECSC Site Information Session will be sent after ECSC has received your Application.
The final step after Site Visit is to complete our MOU and Membership Agreement.
For questions or more information, email Lisa Armao at: Lisa@earlychildhoodservicecorps.org