Your site can benefit from the skills and passion of our
Corps Members in just 3 steps:
1) Complete an interest form bit.ly/ECSCSitePartners
2) Sign up for and attend a mandatory Site Info Session (Held every week - pick a date and time that works for you to learn more about how our Volunteers, Encore Subs, and VBAs can support your site)
3) Complete your Application Form (this will be sent to you only after attending an info session.)
Once we have received your application, we will contact you to conduct an interview and go over the membership requirements. Please also take a look at our Membership Opportunities & Criteria in the PDFs below.
Please reach out to Ella Conlon, our Site Coordinator, if you have any questions: site_coordinator@earlychildhoodservicecorps.org
ECSC Membership Pricing
View the varying levels of ECSC Membership
Site Partnership Requirements
Make sure you meet the requirements to become a partner site.
Partnering with ECSC
As a Partner Host Center, the Center agrees to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) describing a bilateral agreement between the Center and ECSC. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action and will provide an outline of the responsibilities of both parties.
Responsibilities for ECSC:
Recruit older adults interested in obtaining their ECT qualifications.
Provide Sterling Volunteers Level 3: Complete Criminal History Background Check
ECSC Corps Members receive the following trainings provided in partnership with Arapahoe Community College
Early Childhood 101 & Intergenerational connections (2 hours)
Compliance: Rules & Regulations (3 hours)
The Growing Brain(™): Unit 4 - Social Emotional Development
(3 hours)The Growing Brain(™): Unit 5 - Executive Function
Building Positive Relationships with Children for Volunteers and Substitutes (3 hours)
Cultural Sensitivity in Early Childhood (2 hours)
Anti-Bias and Inclusive Practice in Early Childhood