Gov. Polis offers support for ECSC, intergenerational programs

Colorado’s Response to an Aging Population | Gov. Jared Polis

As part of Transamerica Institute's Age-Inclusive Management Strategies (AIMS) Conference held earlier this October, Gov. Jared Polis made an honorable mention of the Early Childhood Service Corps. 

“…While I mentioned and talked about the importance of paid work… not all work is paid," Polis noted, "...And the unpaid work of Coloradans that is unpaid, lending knowledge and expertise in volunteer capacities is truly priceless for the success of our state as well. It enriches our communities, it’s an amazing resource to tap. I’ve seen that firsthand in the early childhood space."

He called out the innovative, intergenerational ECSC program as a pioneer in the aging space, saying "We’re thrilled to have examples like the Early Childhood Service Corps, engaging older adults to support early childhood education. We see it in well-run schools where the site leader, the principal, the teachers welcome and involve grandparents, parents willing to give their time. We see it in churches, we see it across every sector of society."

He continued to emphasize the importance of the skills and passion that older adults possess, stating "The people who are able to have the time wanting to good with that time, making an enormous difference. There’s an inherent sense of value derived from the work we do, whether it’s paid or volunteer. And that’s important in all stages of life, but especially as we become more reflective and thoughtful.”

You can listen to Gov. Polis' full remarks here.

We're so thankful to everyone who supported the Age-Inclusive Management Strategies (AIMS) Conference, to the Transamerica Institute, and to our very own Governor Jared Polis Jared Polis for supporting the intergenerational work and mission of the Early Childhood Service Corps! 

This fall, we're recruiting and empowering older adults to use their gifts and passions to build meaningful, intergenerational connections within Early Childhood! Sign up now to join our third cohort:


How Volunteering Impacts Well-Being of 50+ Adults & Communities


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